Please, Sky— Take me Away

She's couldn't go on. Her mind was weighing down her entire body, and every step slowly became more and more sluggish as the tried to evade the ominous darkness shrouding her hometown.

Panting loudly as she tromped through the grassfield, dark gray clouds covering the sky as lighting shot across it, thunder booming loudly as the storm drew ever closer— Maria couldn't take it. She simply couldn't.

She collapsed to the ground, staring up at up the sky above, asking herself how she could've possibly let things get so bad. Her boyfriend left her for her best friend, her sister died, her mother disowned her... what did she ever do to deserve such turmoil? If she only knew, she could try to attone for whatever it was... but that was the problem: she didn't know.

Numb as she laid there in the dismal field, the dull-green grass tickling her fingers as rain because to drizzle, she watched as the darkness drew near, prepared to consume her; everything she ever was, everything she was going to be, was about to be a miniscule, unimportant spec of dust living amongst millions of other specs of nothingness. Maybe she finally would make a friend. Who was she kidding? Of course she wouldn't. Because she was Maria Ambrose, and life was determined to destroy her.

She let her eyes flutter shut, numb tears trickling down her cheeks as she let her body go limp. At least she finally would have peace; that was something to look forward to. She would feel nothing, think nothing... be nothing. She awaited her escape from her world in anticipation as the rain started pour harder, the droplets getting heavier and quicker.

She was beginning to feel more and more tired, the storm getting more violent the longer she laid there. The sound of leaves rustling harshly and the howling of the wind, in combination with the rhythm of the falling rain, made for the perfect melody to accompany her as the storm took her away.

Lightning flashed. Maria felt sudden pain, worse than she'd ever felt before. It was like her body was on fire, burning pain enveloping her entire being as she faded out of existence.

She smiled softly. And then shakily exhaled; for the last time.

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