'I suppose you want me to tell you why I killed her,' I said.
Here is the first line, now continue the story where the dialogue leaves off
Werewolf hunter
To my surprise, she took it pretty well, for saying there was a corpse lying facedown in the dirt in front of her. The fact he was naked and *very* wounded couldn't have helped, either.
"Do I look like a fucking idiot to you?"
The non sequitur threw me. The steely glare she was throwing my way didn't portray any emotion other than indignation. Did she really just not care about the fact she was talking to a guy she knew was a murder?
"Hey, look..."
I cringed a little at the sound of my voice, shaking with adrenaline, but I carried on speaking. "I don't remember calling you anything, alright? Do you *want* an explanatio..."
She cut me off with a snort and an impatient stomp of her foot.
"You *seriously* think I'm a random fucking, like, hitchhiker or something? *Here,* of all places?"
Despite her unchanging facial expression, she gestured wildly as she talked. I mentally changed the emotional read I had on her from 'pissed' to 'pretty fucking pissed'.
"Uh, yeah? What else would someone be doing walking around a forest at, what is it, four AM?"
She ran a hand through her brown fringe and sighed, keeping that death glare pointed straight at me.
"Same thing as you, moron,"
Before she finished speaking, I felt my body freeze up. The anxious shakes slowed to a stop as I backed up, raising my crossbow defensively.
"God dude, I'm here to kill him, not you. Chill the fuck out,"
I kept my weapon raised as I spotted the faint shadow of a similar device hung on her back.
"I know how people get over these things. I've seen people like you or me kill for the chance to rake up the bounty on werewolves way less notorious than this one,"
It took a sharp eye to notice, but her expression has sharpened slightly, echoing the look someone would give to a kid who just didn't get whatever you were trying to teach them.
"Shut up already and move," She marched past me to the body as I spoke. Crouching towards his mangled face, she continued, "Clearly, you are a fucking dumbass, and you need me to stop you killing yourself on this job,"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I almost shouted as she started pulling something out of one of the many leather satchels scattered about her person. "I already *did* the job! He's lying right there..."
My voice trailed off as she held something under the remains of the body's nose. With a serious of sick crunches, the corpses back arched, and the various wounds began to knot back together.
"What the fuck are you doing!"
Her voice was calm as she unsheathed a gleaming dagger from her belt, and slammed it into the back of the now-intact skull.
"Dormant. If you had tried to bag him up and take him back, he would have woken up and killed you in your sleep,"