The Lyrics of History

Weaving between the layers of mortality,

Like a painting griping hold of its muse

And the muse his painter,

The threads of time wrap my silhouette.

I swim through oceans of significant occurrences

And remember on a boat on a lake

Sat the beautiful Angel of Music,

And her songs’ eternal glory.

As her words dance in my brain,

Like Anna’s Dying Swan soothing my soul

Reminding me of the fragility of life,

I learn to appreciate the divinity of music.

With each song telling a story

Of a thousand lifetimes and more,

History is relived and we reflect upon its path,

Learning now to walk on four legs instead of two.

Listening and learning I notice

The world today is made of yesterday,

I know now I am not what I am

But the songs our past building the present brick by brick.

_For a little bit of context, I chose to reference a few influential parts of our society today, to further demonstrate how our past influences our present. I thought I might point this out as I feel this is an important part of the poem and I do not wish for it to get lost._

_In the first stanza is a reference towar ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde. The second stanza is a reference to ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. The third stanza is a reference to the world famous ballerina Anna Pavlova and her most known dance ‘The Dying Swan’. The fourth stanza has a small reference to Animal Farm by George Orwell. And the last stanza references ‘Othello’ written by Shakespeare._

_I am happy to explain further reasons as to why I chose each of these references if needed, however I thought it was important to just note this at the bottom. Sorry for all this waffle if we are not supposed to do this <3_

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