Alien Summer

My sister Cemprischa and I both knew it wasn’t gonna be the same camp we had every year of the summer like we used to, since our dad passed away. But we’re willing to still honor the tradition.

The sky gloomed over our tent as we coated ourselves in a deep sleep, I felt my bottom area tingling to go outside to whiz in the grass. My eyebrows furrowed when I felt my bare feet squash in mud.

“Are you kidding me!” I loudly whispered to myself, while pondering if I go back inside to put on shoes. Its clearly no point in doing that now. “It just had to rain earlier.”

I allowed my feet to squelch a few away from the tent, squatted down and began to soil the grass with my urination. After I finishes, I glance back and saw something large and round silently land far down the maze of trees.

I pull my pants back up, arisen with curiosity. I squelch a little closer, yet far enough for my retinas to process what’s in front of them. While halfway hid behind a tree, I see two hairy, human sized entities with long faces lift the dome cap of its spaceship, then walks down the steps.

I hid completely behind the trees when the creatures surveyed their surroundings and one looked over my direction.

I, at least, let thirty seconds go by before slowly taking a peek. The creatures were now only looking at each other, yet no words were spoken. Only an idiot would believe they were having a staring contest. Due to me watching lots of sci fi movies, it’s obvious they’re speaking telepathically.

Using their distraction as opportunity to tiptoe away, I rip the tent open to awaken Cemprischa.

“Cemprischa, Cemprischa, get up.” I whispered, violently shaking her. I shook her harder when all Cemprischa did was groan and turn her back on me.

“What!” Cemprischa snapped.

I immediately covered her mouth, telling her to shush. “Come on. We have to go.”

“Go where!” Cemprischa smacked my hand, still speaking loud. “Why are you whispering?”

I smacked her upside the head. “Shut up!” I say, now frustrated. “Don’t let them hear you. Get up, we’re heading in the truck. It’s not safe.”

“What the hell is going on?” Cemprischa quietly asked for the first time as she removes the covers off her. She froze when she felt something sticky and gooey. “Is this mud?!”

“Come on!” I ignored the question. “We don’t have time.”

We both get settled in the truck. I injects the keys into the engine, cranking up the vehicle. Unfortunately, the truck cuts off as fast as it cuts on.

“No, are you kidding me!” I frustrated as I desperately keep attempting to start the truck up.

“Mazzerine.” Cemprischa said unsettling.

“What?” I responded still fixated on the truck.

“Mazzerine, look out your window.”

My eyes widened when I saw a humanoid dog staring directly at me. My body tenses up as much as my sister does. The dog breaks the window, attempting to grab Me. My sister and I hysterically scream as I wildly smack the dog’s paw off of me, then kicks it in the face.

Cemprischa quickly pulls me to her side of the truck, hopping out. We tried to run back, but there was another dog sitting there. We redirected ourselves away from it, scorching our legs and feet from branches and sharp grass blades until we make it to the end of a cliff. We both take one good look back at the chasing dogs then at each other.

I grab my sister’s hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

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