Write a fantastical poem about shadows detaching from their objects and wandering free.

Fending Shadows

The dancing of flame, the flickering lights.

Housed underfoot, trapped until night.

Shadows draped in infinite black,

Pull to the finite, ready, attack.

For the darkness of night is a harrowing mistress,

A piece of her with you at all times, trust this.

Those stories and tales of people gone missing,

No clues, no body, no nothing, dismissing.

To find what sits beneath your nose,

Under your foot and touching your toes.

A blackest black, a piece of night,

Trapped and waiting, ready tonight.

Off the ground, from a body that’s trapped it,

Hiding behind you, a candle light sapped it.

The creak just behind you, the whispering air,

Trust nothing, not no one, as no one is there.

I hope you take this tale in heed,

Find light in darkness is what you all need.

When the sun goes and snuffs under night,

Know with a candle you’ll be alright.

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