Submitted by Antaura Dawn

'The stars were what she liked most about the sky. Then, they started to fall.'

Write a poem based around this idea. You could include the line, use it as a central theme, or turn it into a metaphor.

Dimming Soul.

The stars were what she liked most about the sky.

How the sun sets beneath the surface of the earth

The moon begins to shine.

She liked the calmness of the dark.

The way the whole world went silent.

As if not a single soul inhabited this land

But her.

She’d talk to the moon

Dream of the stars

Bask in the thought

That anything is possible

If you just hope.

Though one day

The stars went dim

The moon hard to find.

She felt as though she was alone.

As if not a single soul inhabited this world.

But her.


Consumption of the dark.

The night felt long


She’d sit and ponder

Thoughts clouding her mind

A star once bright and bold

Falling vastly through the atmosphere.

Alone in the force of the world.

Nothing is possible.

If you loose track of hope.

The hope of Dreams.

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