Everypiece Is Awesome

“This job was going to be easy, they said”

They stood there in a staggering line, rigid and tense, as if waiting execution as prisoners of war. They were told that they should have pride in who they were. Sure, but is this what they imagined they’d be doing. Like zoo animals to be gawked at.

“All you have to do is stand, they said”

Their feet are practically nailed to the floor. Two spikes in each foot to be sure that they don’t move from this position.

“Smile, look happy, be proud, they said.”

They feel like they have been objectified. They are diverse, they are colourful. But are they free? It’s only one period of time per year and yet being paraded like this, they feel nothing. No meaning, no purpose. Just a piece of a bigger picture. Bringing in that pink pound.

“Oh the pain in my LEG. Ohhhh, we have had enough.”

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