
He could smell her excitement but also her fear. Maybe he went too far with involving her. He looked into her eyes and saw all her unanswered questions. Knowing he can’t reveal all, yet has to open up, he took hands and lowered his voice. “I will tell you what I can.” She took her time deciding on what she needed to know. “Are you good?” He dropped her hands into her lap and took a deep breath, “there is more good in the world than there would be if I did not intervene. There is a great evil in the world. I am neither that nor the former.” She looked down at her hands. His palms, twice her size lay open in his lap. She runs her fingers down his forearms. Feeling the warm blood pulsing through his veins, he feels so warm, so real… alive. Tracing the lines of his palms, she looks up into his forest green eyes. “You won’t hurt me.” He grins, “is that a question or a statement?” She cocks her head to the side and ponders, “both, I suppose.” He cups her face in his palms, “I’d sooner burn the whole world to ash before letting harm come upon you, my love.” That’s all she needs to know. Raising to her knees, she threads her hands into his thick black hair, “I am yours, and you are mine. Burn them.” Four bodies hang from a tree not further than 3 yards away. At her words, flames lick at their feet, slowly burning away any trace of their existence. Murder is a tricky thing. Her lover created fire with his mind. And now, she was his accomplice.

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