Write the blurb to your first fantasy novel.

A blurb should intrigue the reader; introducing the main characters, and describing the plot, without giving too much away.

This Is The Back Cover For Galaxy Wars

This is not fantasy it’s science fiction, but I don’t have any fantasy books yet so I’ll just do this one ————————————————————— Once in a galaxy far far away… A man planning to take over the universe starts a war with the Milkshamo galaxy and tries to take over. The Milkshamo galaxy fights back and the war goes on and on. 35 years later, the Milkshamo has been reduced to one solar system. The SABERTEI. On the planet Tayouin, they are taking a very unusual approach to the war. Instead of fighting, they put up a protective wall around the planet and get to work… …digging. They plan to dig an underground city, safe from the war. When it’s done, they will give up their planet surface and retreat underground. So all day, they dig and dig. They have a midday break but after that they just work. No school. In fact, Tayouin is at a low point in education—the worst in centuries. Here on Tayouin we find one of our heroes; Tiwaki, a 12 year old girl. She eats at break with a old man who teaches her, so she knows more than the average Tayouinian. She especially likes geography, because she longed to explore. Someday, she decides, the war will end and she will explore the universe. Meanwhile, the planet Trefler has less problems. They are in the farthest reaches of the Sabertei, so they will probably be the last to be attacked. That doesn’t stop them from going to fight on the front lines, though. They are mostly farmland, planting crops, raising pigs…or rather, what resembles a pig. This isn’t earth—though they’ve heard of us and think we must be lonely. 12 year old Ash Minkonson’s family had such a farm. She enjoyed farming the land and feeding the animals, as well as playing with her many siblings (she has 3 brothers and 1 sister, though the oldest sibling Martin goes with his father to war, being 17), but she always feels there’s more to life than this…more adventure, and danger. She wants to experience that. When Tayouin joins the war due to an ancient code they discovered, the two girls meet by fate and decide to save the galaxy. Will they succeed and save everything, or will they succumb to the threat of mind control and fold under the pressure that everyone and everything they love is depending on them? TCR Lennie creates a story similar to the entire Star Wars series in a whole new set of humorous stories, twisting classic space war in with mind control and young heroes. “It’s probably the most deep story you’ve written yet, sweetie!” -my mom “Wow” -one of dad’s friends
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