
I landed on a blue rock with a group of others in the year xxxx. The mission off the inhabitants and prep for assimilation with sion a star sized spacecraft. Resistance was expected but defeat was unthinkable. The council of the elders foresaw our success as they have always done. This time however they were wrong the future foresaw was rewritten. The inhabitants of this rock floating about in space host an inconceivable virus. The virus called themselves humans. They pilfered the land and destroyed their own world, but as deprived of resources as they were they fought thick and then, rains or shine till the last of us, till only I was left to fulfill the mission. We dissect and strip planets for sion to use as fuel. The humans struggle and fought there here to this moment but what was it all for I’m nothing but a janitor cleaning the garbage and preparing for disposal. If the humans struggled this long on us what if a soldier comes down here but that’s just it humans are lucky lucky to know they are not worth the trouble a small blue ball drifting in space was but a task to be done down a very long list of miscellaneous options for fuel. The planet was picked out of random and I was picked out of a random crop of janitors. Just like the humans I will fight till my last breath as they have done for a fruitless struggle

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