Use this single word to inspire a poem.
A Backwards Move
My best friend texted me
Announcing some great news
Squealing with excitement
She showed me her
Babyfilled ultrasound views
I knew that she was happy
As I should have been too
Talking to my mother
She told me about her cruise
How my dad and her
Would see the fjords and
Enjoy the pretty views
I knew that she was happy
As I should have been too
Seeing all my friends from highschool
Who are all so bloody cool
Sharing their lives and milestones
On their social media
And that of their children too
And I know that they are happy
As I should be for them too
And me
I know I’m at a standstill
And I know that’s okay too
But I have to admit
That I am not happy, not as I should
For I feel like
Instead of moving forwards
I am going on a backwards move