Captured Beauty

Everyone has been on high alert. Recently there have been a total of three murders. All of which were all brutal and gut wrenching. But the thing that they had in common was the writings written in blood nearby the scenes. And as the police were piecing together the clues of what the writings could mean.

I was stuck in the very basement of the murderer. Chained to his bloody walls and left to sit in the mattress that was on the cold cement floor.

The day I went missing I heard the news constantly talking about my disappearance and trying to link it to the current events.

The murderer was “kind” enough to leave a tv down here.

But as all of the people that were murdered were my ex-boyfriends. Some began to speculate that I had something to do with it. And I was no longer a victim. I became a suspect.

Suddenly the door to the basement opened and he came through the door. His footsteps heavy on the poor wooden steps. Once he makes his last step. He turns to me and just…stares.

The man always keeps a mask on. The mask being a pic mask. He was extremely tall—almost inhuman. And he was very built. With tattoos covering each bulging muscle on his arms and up to his neck.

After looking him up and down, he walks over to me and kneels in front of me. I tried to scoot back. But where was I going to go?

Into the wall?

He leans in close. And then he reaches a hand out— bloody hand to be exact—and caresses my cheek. I cringe at the warm liquid and he cocks his head to the side.

I tried not to shake so much. But my body refused to listen to me. I didn’t want this guy to know he frightened me and feel like he has the upper hand. I don’t like to feel vulnerable. And suddenly he takes his other hand and rests it on my face. Doing the same action he did before.

“Pretty…so pretty. All mine”, he whispers. His tone of voice was soft yet deep and that mixture was…comforting.

He then gets up and looks down at me once more. “Beautiful as always.” And with that he went upstairs and left me alone. I didn’t realize how tense I became when trying not to shake in his presence until I let out a gasp that was mixed in with a sob. I slumped forward. Relieved as I thought it was going to be the end for me.

My heart beats with fear. But somehow it is also beating from the…affection he gave me. He has an intimidating aura. It frightened me. But it also…intrigued me. His voice was like honey. Warm, calming, sweet even. And I hated that feeling. Why did I feel this way? Was it because…he was strangely gentle towards me? I couldn’t understand.

But it made me want to know more about him and his intentions with me

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