Low Magic

"It's different than that," he said. "I can't just turn in on when I want."

Siofra was silent for a moment. She studied him.

"I do know when it it useful. I have this twinge an I find myself reaching for something that I know will fulfill that. And I've had training."

"Training?" Siofra asked.

"Like you, I was young once. I had a mentor. She showed me how to reach down and pull it up. I wasn't very good. I'm still not. She was far more powerful than I will ever become. She could call down thunder from a cloudless sky. Or at least bring them faster and more furious. But she taught me things. How to focus and lean into what I could feel buried inside."

"Who was this?" Siofra asked. "What happened to her?"

"We all get old Sprite. Some of it seems like yesterday but it was much farther back than you can imagine.. or I could wish. Like we all will, she passed on."

He got up from the boulder and began to brush off his cloak. Siofra stopped him.

"Will I have this?"

"Time will tell Sprite. I never expected to but she saw something in me. And now I think I may see something in you. She's long gone or I would ask her if I could. But despite your your challenges..."

Senan reached down and smiling, gently patted her stump./

"...something tells me that you might have a calling that either of us fully recognize yet."

"I don't want a calling, I just want to live here. I don't want to go."

"We never do Sprite. You'd still be in the womb if your mother hadn't forced you out. But look, some or maybe most of what holds you here is what has happened to you. And you are not what has happened to you. You are what you will be."

She made a face. He chuckled softly.

"I've seen that before. And I'm sure I'll see it again. We'll start soon. We have much to add to the book and perhaps we'll take a short trip. Give you that chance to get away from the lake and see some of what this world has to offer. Not too far, mind you. But a little journey here and there. Add to the book. Let you explore and practice a little."

Siofra found herself both excited and frightened.

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