


Write a story or poem that naturally incorporates these three words, in any order.

What Life Gives You

It was a rainy summer day, the kind of rain that seems to go on forever and stow upon a hot and steamy vibe for all who happen to walk through it. The energy in the air was stale to say the least, and the supermarket, so it seemed, was full of angry customers. To overcompensate for the lack of lemons the store manager, Lily, who wasn't the brightest of individuals, decided that no one would be able to notice if she had some of the oranges painted yellow. Well, suffice to say, people noticed. Lemons by no means were a popular item, in fact, most of the time they just sat there collecting a thin layer of zesty dust. However, what people hate the most is when they no longer have access to something that they did previously. This rainy Thursday was no exception. The shipment of lemons that was supposed to come that day was caught up in the storm, not exactly a great thing, however not entirely unexpected either. The truck driver was highly unreliable and had mistakingly brought the original regular Captain Crunch, instead of the Oops, All Berries cereal, which ended up being far more popular than anyone expected. What people didn't know about the truck driver was that he had spent the night, along with many previously, completly wasted with his mistress and hadn't planned on driving that next day. But life leads to unexpected events and because of this he sat in traffic with a pounding in his head that was made sizably worse now that he had to deal with the deluge without end. By the time the rain had stopped the lemons in the truck were far too drenched to be used, or at least thats what was claimed by Lily. The air had returned to that sticky summer heat and the yellow oranges became something of a local joke that continued to last throughout the years. The truth is, sometimes life doesn't even give you lemons, sometimes you gotta paint them yourself.
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