Submitted by SLW

The Favourite Child

Write a story or poem centered around this theme.


I’m the youngest child,

Of course I’m the favorite child

Only to get forgotten the second I grew out of the “cute” phase of my life.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I'm dreading the day that my brother moves out of the house and leaves me here alone.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course everybody still treats me like I'm five even though I'm a teenager.

I'm supposed to be mature anyway!

I'm the youngest child,

Of course whenever I ask to spend time with my family it’s attention-seeking.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I have to be as good as my brother. At everything.

Maybe that just means I'm Asian. (I am)

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I’m the one who has to be the awkward spectator during all of our family’s arguments because usually I end up making it worse.

I’m the youngest child,

Of course I'll never be the first one people think of out of the two of us, I'm just the second kid that got thrown into the mix for some reason.

I'm the youngest child,

Why the hell are all these hand-me-downs?

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I get the privilege to annoy the hell out of my brother lol.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I'm the stupidest one here.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course my mother shoves a camera in my face any chance she gets to post on social media.


I'm the youngest child,

Always an angel, never a god.

(Not Strong Enough reference!?)

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I was spoiled,

Not that I asked for it.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I get to face the extremes of both the wanted AND unwanted attention.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course even though I'm the one that everyone thinks is attention-seeking, I'll still be pushed off to the side during most conversations anyways. Because why the hell does my opinion matter? I have a puny undeveloped baby brain.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course I get “affection,” if that meant getting babied 24/7.

I'm the youngest child,

Of course we have the easy role in the family…

Do we though?

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