Write a story about a character who one day learns they have an identical twin.

How would this make someone feel?

The Unwanted Surprise

Ding dong!!! “Can u get that sweetie,”my mom yelled from the kitchen. My dog ran to the door with her tail wagging, jumping up trying to see who it was. It’s probably just a delivery person with the pizza I ordered, my moms not a very good cook. I unlocked the door and opened it. “Hi thank you so….” I looked up and immediately stopped talking. My mouth fell open and my eyes widened.

My father stood at the steps smiling at me nervously, ringing his hands out. But they fact that my father, who left my mom and hasn’t bothered to reach out to me in 16 years, wasn’t what had caused me to stop. A girl about 16 years old with the same hair color, same eyes, same…. Everything, looked at me with timid eyes. “Can we come in?” My father asked looking back between me and her. The feelings of shock and not wanting to believe that this was real took over my body and I shut the door in their faces. “What was it?” My mom yelled from the kitchen. My hands started to shake, what was I going to say, oh nothing just my dad who I’ve only seen in pictures and a clone of me, nothing to weird about it, what’s for dinner? “There was nothing there,someone must’ve just ding-dong-ditched us,” I yelled back. The door bell rang again. And again, and again. Each time I pretended to answer it then told her no one was there. Finally on the fourth time my mom got angry, “Those kids! I’m going to teach them a lesson.” My mom reached for the door knob and started to turn it. I ran toward the door and pulled her hand away from the knob. “Honey what are you doing, I’m going to take care of these kids and then we can have dinner.” The door bell ringed again. My mom reached for the door knob again and again I pulled it away. My mom was not going to give up, she kept trying to open the door, and finally I just desired to lean against it so she couldn’t open it. “I don’t understand why your doing this?! Just let me open up the door!” My mom yanked on the door and I stumbled forward. The door opened, and when I looked at my mom her expression was not what I was expecting. She was smiling. Smiling!!! My father, if you could even call him that, gave my mom a hug. My mom let go and look at me with the same expression that my dad had been wearing this entire time. “I know this may be a lot to handle and I know I have a lot to explain to you but before I do, let’s just get this out into the open. Quinn this is your twin, Leah,” my mom told me looking back at Leah and then at me again trying to read my expression. I don’t know whether I looked horrified or shocked or irritated, all I know is that an overwhelming feeling that I needed to puke came on me.

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