Submitted by Laura

'As I looked into your eyes, I saw my future go up in flames.'

Write a poem or short story that contains this line.

A Heart On Fire

“Don’t walk out on me”

Tears fall from my eyes, making a slow and tortorous path down my cheeks. I stare at the love of my life putting his shoes on, his belongings packed into one weekender bag now slung over his shoulder.

“Cass, we aren’t good for each other” his words claw at my heart and my vision grows blurrier. I want to step towards him and force him to stay, that maybe if he spends one more night with me then he would change his mind on leaving us behind.

A strangled sob crawls its way out of my throat and I stifle it with my hand as my body rattles with pain. I accept his departure and run towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Backing him up towards the door to the spot where just minutes ago, when he had announced our relationship faults, I had spilled my tumbler of bourbon. I cry harder into his chest as I slowly reach for the matches that I had hid under my long and draping sleeves that were concealed over my hands.

Dropping the lit match, I step back and look at his strucken face. The blue-tipped flames engulfing him.

“As I look into your eyes, I see our future go up in flames” and that’s the last thing I say before his screams drown out my sobs.

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