Submitted by Atlas
She didn't look up from the cracks in the sidewalk, nor did she turn down her street to go home. Instead, she just kept walking.
Write a story about a character attempting to vanish.
“Is it working?” I called out, directing my focus from my steady footsteps on the ground.
“No.” Beck said, diminishing even the tiniest hope lingering in my stretched heart.
“I told you this wouldn’t work.” Daniel said, dropping the final bomb. He buried himself deep into his hunting jacket.
Natasha tossed her caramel colored hair over her shoulder, “We have to be missing something.”
“Like braincells?”
Natasha rolled her eyes at Daniel and turned back towards me. “Just keep walking, maybe it takes a while to kick in.”
“If she keeps walking she’s going to end up in Brazil. How many miles has it been?” Daniel questioned, looking up at the sky as if it had an answer.
“At least five.” Beck replied.
“Oh, so _that’s_ why my feet hurt so bad.”
“_Come on, _guys. If Carolina gets this to work it could be _life-changing_.” Natasha said in her optimistic tone.
“And if she doesn’t we wasted hours of our life.”
“Just a little longer?” I pleaded.
The boys sighed and continued walking beside us. The dead leaves crunched beneath our feet. I glanced up at the scenery in front of us. The forest varied in different shades of red, brown, and yellow. I always adored the guidence of fall into winter. How it warned the trees it was time to prepare for the cold storm of winter.
If only we were warned too.
“So are you going to focus or not?” Beck asked.
“Give me a second.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of forest air.
My nostrils itched.
Almost… spicy?
“Does anyone else smell that?” I asked.
Everyone took a deep breath of air.
“_What_?” Natasha demanded.
“That’s smoke.” Daniel said, his eyes widening. “We have to go.”
We all dashed in different directions. I watched Natasha run north, Daniel run west, and Beck run south.
We can’t split up.
“_Guys_!” I screamed, stumbling on a hard stone and landing on my elbows. My eyes were wide like a deer in headlights and my clothes smeared in dirt.
I rolled over, staring at the birds evacuating overhead. At least they could fly, what could I do?
I heard a crackling sound near my ear and pushed myself to my feet. I couldn’t even curse when I saw the tiny flame slithering towards me. It consumed all of the dried leaves and sticks like it hasn’t ate in centuries.
I stumbled back towards a tree, my worn boots kicking up leaves.
What could I do?
I couldn’t do anything, I-
I could vanish.
“Calm down, calm down.” I chanted, squeezing my eyes shut and focusing on the aching sensation running through my legs. The way my heart seemed ready to burst through my flesh. How my nose so badly hated the smoke erupting from the flame.
I was invisible.
The fire turned its head, looking around the forest for its prey.
But I wasn’t there.
I’m safe.
But what about the others?
I leaned my head against the tree, oh, if only we hadn’t split up.
The fire seemed to stand, burning so hot I felt my skin would melt off. Before I could tell myself it was a bad idea I sprinted through the forest.
The fire chased after me.
Past trees.
Over roots.
Onto rocks.
Where was everyone?
I couldn’t be lost, could I?
“_Natasha_!” I screamed, noticing caramel hair flying through the forest. I dashed towards her, grabbing her arm and yanking her south.
She screamed and pulled against me.
“It’s me, you idiot! We need to find the others!”
Natasha seemed to calm down, her whole body shaking with the rise and fall of her chest.
“You did it!” She said, managing a half-hearted smile between gasps of breath.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Come on!”