Write the story that led to this image

The One That Got Away

Just like every other morning, Sam bounded out the front door without waiting for his owner. This was the reason why Lucy woke up at 5 am each day so she could take Sam round to the field before anyone else was awake. He hated the lead and she found it much easier to open the door and let him run.

The sun was just starting to light the path as she followed him sleepily around the side of the house to the gate and the field beyond. Sam yapped happily, eager to stretch his legs, as Lucy approached the gate and slid the bolt across. As soon as the gate swung open Sam sprinted off into the distance.

Lucy took a moment to enjoy the sunrise. She paid attention to the stillness of the morning, the birds only just waking up, as the sun crept over the hill spreading its orange glow across the field and trees in the distance. This was her favourite time of day. She enjoyed watching the world come to life each day like she was seeing something special while the rest of the world slept. Each new day bringing a sense of hope, of great things to come. This world was yet to be tarnished by the day to come.

After spending a few moments appreciating this gift of sunrise Lucy continued along the path through the field. She wanted to catch up to Sam before he got into mischief. She loved him dearly but he was hard work. Sam always seemed to find mud and she really didn’t want to have to bath him before work again. Three days this week he had found the filthiest pit and been black by the time he returned. She called his name as she followed the path, illuminated more by the rising sun, but he was no where to be seen. Walking on a little further she stopped to listen. Could she hear him scurrying about in the long grass? At first she heard nothing. She listened harder and that’s when she heard him cry.

Lucy held her breath as she tried to locate the sound of his pitiful cry but it was still a little too dark near the trees. She strained her eyes as her heart rate picked up. Her breathing quickened as she heard him cry again. Something felt wrong. Starting to panic Lucy trampled around shouting him again. All she heard in reply was another pathetic cry. She screamed his name in panic and frustration. She couldn’t help him if she couldn’t see him. “That’s it!” She thought as she fumbled in her pocket for her phone. With trembling hands she managed to turn on the torch function on her second attempt and frantically searched the area. By the trees where she thought she’d heard Sam.

After what seemed like forever she found him cowering near the base of a tree. He whined as he looked at something. The she saw it.

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