
Wondering if he'd notice her today?

Would he look her way and see the inner beauty

Or pass over her as if she wasn't there

Would her laughter intrigue him

Enough for him to want

to explore the true woman

Not care if her beauty

doesn't match what society says

Will he look into her eyes

see the soul of innocence and strength

Of the woman inside who'd give all her love to one man

A woman who'd walk through hell to save her soulmate

A woman who'd give him child that she'd nourish from her breasts

A woman who's true beauty is in her eyes

Who'd wear her wrinkles with pride as she ages

For the wrinkles around her eyes

Are a testament of the laughter they've shared

The frown lines are from so many hours worrying

When her child or husband is sick

The wrinkles around her lips are from the smiles

From years of watching their child grow

And years of smiling up at the man

Who saw the beauty of her inner soul


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