What I Leave You
In his last words Mr. Edward Townes writes
“Anna, my Love,
If you are receiving my will that means I have broken my promise to you. I wish I could be there to help you raise our beautiful baby girl, to see her first steps. Know that I went thinking of your deep eyes, lost endlessly in them I was not afraid, they gave me comfort . I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. I can only hope the love that we’ve shared can help blind you from the mistakes I’ve made
Take care of Kait,
I love you always,
With tears in her eyes Anna softly asks, “is that all?”
Mr. Litchen cleared his throat, “he leaves you Annabelle Townes 100% of his personal possessions, aside from his 1997 Honda motorcycle which he leaves to his brother Dan and writes ‘don’t crash and don’t let my Kait ride on the back’”
Danny chuckles from his slouched position in the leather seat.
“He leaves you the $2,015 in his personal account and 10 bitcoin estimated at a total of $3,400,069.” A ball in his throat as he tries to say that number in a calm fashion.
Anna stunned wonders what his husband could have done to acquire that much, but knows the number could have been ten fold and it wouldn’t replace their love.