Your character sleepwalks. One night, they wake up in the middle of the road, surrounded by police and fire engines.
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Digested Indignation
Sitting in a pickup truck, my grasp tightened around the steering wheel. Surrounded by a battalion of emergency service vehicles, the rotation of their warning lights illuminated the inside of my truck every second or two. When I glanced into the rear view mirror, only one thought came to mind.
“How did I get here?”
Insomnia filled nights plagued me for years, never allowing my body the necessary sleep to reset. Exhausted from sleeplessness, I stumbled around in a barely coherent daze. After staying awake for three days, I’d pass out for a solid eight hours before the routine started again. Sleepwalking, however, was something new.
There had been a few occasions when I did something regrettable, only to learn about it after waking up. My actions never got me into trouble. What worried me the most was that I couldn’t explain why I did the things I did. Once it was realized I had been sleepwalking, worry consumed me. Fearful that I might try to drive while asleep, I locked my keys into a safe at night. It seemed like a foolproof plan. It would have been if I remembered to close and lock the safe door.
I reached down to the cup holder to retrieve my soft drink and took a sip. The rush of sugary soda pepped me up a bit. While waiting for the police to do whatever they were waiting to do, I retrieved another burrito from the Taco Bell bag sitting upright on the passenger seat. I hadn’t eaten Mexican food in a long time and savored each nibble taken.
“Mmm, this is…”
And that’s when I remembered what had happened. After pulling out of the drive through, I reached into the bag while driving. The truck temporarily swerved into the neighboring lane of oncoming traffic. Witnessed by the police, they pulled me over. I munched greedily on the food while the officer stood beside my opened window, demanding to see identification.
Referring to the deliciousness of the food, I said, “This is the bomb.”
Twenty minutes later, the bomb squad arrived to diffuse my burritos. Not wanting to relinquish my food, I gobbled everything down and waited for the police to make the next move.
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