Evil is Human

As the darkness sank into her veins she felt the evil take her over again. She tried to hold it inside, knowing if it took over she’d lose herself. “Please…….. stop….” She struggled to breathe out the words to the man strangling her. The beatings she could take and swallow the rage that would rise. He’s much larger and stronger than her, but that’s not what she feared. He held her mother’s life in his hands. Now this man of her blood was trying to kill her.

The darkness began to grow, her body feeling heavy and lighter at the same time. Her eyes dialated wide. She didn’t realize the distant scream was coming from her until she felt her throat burning from the strain.

She woke up covered in blood, her mother crying while holding the head of her father. “What have you done?!” Her mother screamed at her through tears. She couldn’t respond. The shock of horror and relief consumed her body in her shadows wake.

She realized her “evil” self was really her savior. True evil exists in soulless people, just like her father.

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