Your main character has been charged with a crime they did not commit. Fortunately they know who the real culprit is, but it won't be easy to give them up...
Think about the circumstances of this crime, why your character has been implicated, and why they can't easily give the culprit up.
All In The Name Of Love
Slim wrists wrapped in reflective silver. Delicately severe links overlapped forming a chain. Binding your bracelets together, restricting movement. Perched on a bench of metal slats; biting into the flesh of the thighs. Weary eyes glued to the floor. Rat tails fell about a heart shaped face, drowned in the rain. Dejected soles squeak on linoleum flooring, given their marching orders.
Question after question. Blurring into a stream, washing over your ears, barely touching your mind. Then suddenly the handcuffs are gone and a heavy metal door slams closed. The sound echoing, reverberating, down the corridor and through your bones. No longer clad in rain washed clothes, your frame was encased in blaring orange overalls.
Curling up on the stiff mattress you tug the thin scratchy blanket around your shoulders. Cool water rolls over your cheeks soothing the burning flesh. That night you cry yourself to sleep, not for the first time in many years. When morning breaks your head is pounding with injustice. Ignoring the breakfast bell you remain staring at the chipped cream wall.
Your sentence was light, a month at the most. For what? A petty theft too many. “Shoplifting,” the judge had said. Never had you have stolen anything other than your partners heart. You had turned a blind eye to the warnings of your friends. Except friends are always right; they were hiding a dark secret. Always promising to go to therapy to help with their thieving ways and never following through.
If you had to suffer four weeks of hell, then you would. If loving was a crime then you’d serve the time. Anything for your love to walk free. You didn’t live with your partner not yet even after three years, you had asked before… more than once. Always rejected. Money wasn’t a motive. They had a well paid job. If money wasn’t the driving force, then what pushed them on. Each time they stole, they leaned further into the danger. Each time you were there to bail them out and provide an alibi.
The swirling storm of thoughts was interrupted by a knock on the door. Barely able to muster any energy, you grunted. Shifting your head on the flimsy lumpy pillow to watch the door tiptoe open. One of the prison guard’s stuck their head into your cell, “Morning, I bought you breakfast.” They placed the tray on the table before turning to leave.
“Thank you,” you whispered through cracked voice and chapped lips. A small nod before they vanished into the blinding light. Rolling over, you felt your stomach growl. Padding on aching legs to the rickety seat, you sat down. Tucking into the meal your heart skipped before falling still. Someone bringing you breakfast was never heard of, a simple gesture that filled you with warmth. Just as the sun kisses the fragile wings of a newly hatched butterflies.
Chewing slowly on toast coated in a buttercup sheen, you wondered what your partner was up to. Fear flickered and lapped lowly in your gut. A swarm of wasps buzzed over your skin, forcing ripples to run through your muscles. Steadily your heartbeat rose. Each breath caught by tiny barbs in your throat. Tossing your head wildly you tried to shake away the creeping dread. Was this love?
As soon as that seed of niggling doubt was planted, it begged to be fed. Bouncing up you paced the cramped space. Adding tiny bits of kindling to the ever growing fire; you soon had a seething forest fire consuming every cell, devouring every carefully constructed thought around love and turning your bones to ash. Gnashing fiery teeth severed the remaining fibre that clung together.
Hammering violently on your door, your whole arm trembled with the shockwaves of pain radiating from the metal panel. Heavy boots raced down the long corridor, ringing out in alarm. Hastily, the little window slid open and the prison guard, who brought you breakfast, gazed back sternly.
“I have a confession!” The words shot out of your mouth before your hand could clamp down on the loose gate. Steady orbs of ocean breeze regarded your wild appearance. Abruptly, the fire went out dowsed in a cool balm. Your entire being aligned and then it hit you. Love shouldn’t bring fear, it should be a quiet whispered ‘hello’.
Quirking a smile they unlocked your door, beckoning you to follow. You felt the judgmental stare of the building, as you drank in the view before you. Entering the interview room, your arm brushed against their arm. Ducking your head you tried to hide the blush that shook itself out over your cheekbones.
Through gritted teeth you laid bare the truth, as much as it pained you to do so. “I know who the real perpetrator is… It’s my partner. Ex-partner. But they don’t know that yet. They do it for the thrill, adrenaline rush. It can’t be money because their job pays well. Um, well, every time they’ve been bought in I’ve bailed them out. Shoplifting is their main crime, but I know that there is more to it; you’ll have to speak to them as they won’t tell me. If you like I can give you their contact details and home address?”
“Please,” the guard handed you pen and paper, watching how your letters gracefully swirled across the pristine page. Nodding as they studied the details, they turned off the recording machine, “Thanks for this. Umm I will get them bought in and you’ll have to talk to them first.“
Several hours later you sat face to face with your partner. Fighting the urge to let go of rationality and fall back into their snare. “You and I, we are over. Now you will talk to the police and I will not be bailing you out again.” You spat out the words like as if they were poisoned bullets.
Their shallow face crumpled, easily as paper, tears welled up yet did not tumble. Throwing themselves at you they wrapped you in a suffocating embrace. Gently, you tried to push them away but they just clutched your overalls tigger. “Please no! I love you, I can’t lose you after everything else I’ve lost. Stay. I can build you a life, a life of luxury and dreams. Give me a chance to prove myself-“
Yanking sharply away, you shook your head clearing out the bees that promised sweet honey. “NO!” A single forceful word. Backing away as they approached, arms raised and lips pursed. Stumbling through the door, which miraculously had opened, you found sanctuary in the air conditioned hall.
Spinning around you found yourself face to face with the only person that offered your soul peace. “Hey, thought I would rescue you from that toxic trap.” Softly the guard took your hand, running an anxious thumb over your knuckles, “Um, I know you just broke up with someone and well it’s a bit soon-“
“-Stop rambling and tell me straight,” you spoke with a poker face. Feeling your mind drift away into the clouds, anchored only by a single point. Maybe you could learn what love was really meant to be… If you gave them a chance.
“Fine! Will you go on a date with me once you get out of here? Oh and your criminal record will be wiped clean.” Their eyes twinkled lightly, as they covered their face. Embarrassment fizzed from their uniform, sending their hair- a shade of fascinating earth- swirling around like a halo.
Smiling a proper smile, for the first time in years, that reached your eyes, neatly folding the wafer thin edges, “Sure, I would like that! Tell me your name first though.” Punctuating your sentence with a wink. Grinning as their wheezing laughter filled your ears.