Voyage and Return
Rags to Riches
Write a short story using one of these basic plots.
For you mother
I peak through the porthole I can see waves crashing violently into the side of the ship. I shiver as another wave of nausea flows through my body. My shaking hands grasp onto the frame of the ship looking for leverage to keep myself standing. I clutch dearly to the necklace around my neck. It had belonged to my mother. It was all that I had of her. I remember so many years ago making this journey as I cried and clenched it dearly until the points had drew blood. I missed my mother so much. I admired the sacrifice she made to save my life. Today, was the first day I would return to my home town. I was wracked with fear. Leaving the ship I felt as though I was going to be arrested, walking on forbidden ground. I take a deep breath this was it, I had to do it, for my mother, to show that we prevailed. I slip my necklace over my head and stuff it in my pocket, still clutching to it dearly. I whisper “I’m sorry I’m not brave enough yet mama”. I take the first step. I let my feet carry me, they seem to still know the way. I was struck with awe. I’m not sure what I expected, but everything looked so familiar. As I wandered I remembered going to the shops with my mom, running and playing in the streets. Then as I walked minding my own business a dreadful memory that has been etched into my brain came crashing back through all the walls I had built it was a speeding train stashing into me. Rendering me unable to breathe. My mother standing here as I watched from a window across the street. Here on this very cobblestone as she was drug away. A hand on my shoulder trying to get me to look away. Whispers saying “you are safe she knew she had to choose. You are safe. Come child”. Slowly I find my breathe. I feel a cool sensation trickling down my hand. I pull out my necklace, unclasp my hand. Wiping away the blood. I stand on that very cobblestone, slipping my necklace back over my head. “ for you mother” I whisper as I stand proud tears streaming down my face, the Star of David around my neck.