Write an action or thriller story that takes place in an airport.

How can you use this setting to underscore the normal tropes of these genres?

Chinese Love ( Chapter 5 Part 4)

(Tony pov)

Ming sat down beside me.

“When I was little my parents were the best people in the world at least to me they were. Especially my Dad he was so nice and he always helped me do right. But when he passed my Mother her heart turned. She became full of hatred. Next thing I knew I was this. I was the school bully picking on every new student. I’m sorry Ming. I really am.” I said.

“I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive you Tony. But I will try.” Ming walked away leaving me alone in the library. I stood up and thought about how mean I was and how I could tell everyone that I was sorry at the same time.

Just like that I had an Idea, but I would need Ming’s and Grace’s help.

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