Good Nurse
With the corner of a bright white handkerchief, Jane dabbed at a smudge on her patent leather shoe. She returned her hankie to her purse slung neatly at her side. Next she adjusted her tidy white cap. White cap, white nurse’s uniform, white support hose, white shoes, each item was spotless.
Jane hated those modern nurse getups indecent scrubs and silly plastic clogs. So unladylike, she thought as she turned in her floor mirror. No it was important to have standards. This had been her mother’s uniform and Jane had worn it when she cared for her during her long illness.
She was a good nurse. Jane didn’t need all that fancy school stuff. Mother taught Jane all she needed. Focus on the patient, relieve suffering, be a lady. Jane flung her long wool cape over her shoulders.
At her throat, She clasped the black button of her long dark cape. Carefully Jane adjusted her hood over her cap. Her basket of special sandwiches were loaded on her bicycle. Jane checked the slim timepiece pinned to her cape. Nearly 2 a.m., it was the perfect time.
Outside her door heavy fog lay thick on the ground. Jane only tend to the sick and lonely on nights like this. When the damp kept most people home in bed Jane went out to hand out food and hopefully help some poor soul gain relief forever from pain.
Jane disappeared into the night. Soon she would be on the sleeping streets of the business district among the forgotten. Soon she would be serving her patients. Mother would be so proud.