Dear Reader

John-Letter number 1

Date January 1st 2017,

Dear reader,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and a much better situation than I have found myself. I will be here, in this walled oasis of bad men, lost in the sea of my sins. I promise you that I am a good man, flawed as we all are. But not to the extent of the other men here. I have not killed, or hurt, or even drank. All I did was construct a plan to get revenge for my wife. The love of my life. My last images of her are blood stained, twisted, and blurred as my eyes well with tears. You know, I knew I would marry her. My entire life. We meet at four. And at twenty-one I asked her to marry me, she said yes but made me wait until we were twenty-five. She wanted to secure a career of her own, and I wanted anything she wanted. During our first year of marriage, I fell more in love with the woman she had become. How could I not? She was my sun, moon, stars, my universe that I was lucky enough to orbit. We never had kids. Though we wanted them, it just never happened. Besides she would be gone before twenty-seven. I am a good man but a better husband. I planned and created and worked up the courage to take that man’s life. The way he took my world away, he did not deserve for his end to be painless. But I was caught with “attempted murder”.

I do hope that you will write back, as I will be here.


John-Letter number 2

Date January 3rd 2017

Dear reader,

A young man has completed what I set out to do all those years ago. I heard about it on the news. At first I felt joy. Then I felt pain for the young man who would ultimately be sent to death for killing another in such a gruesome way. But the news claims that he got away, they know it was a male of a younger age as the pressure used to crush the skull of the other, was more than a woman was capable of. I’m sure it was a man due to the sickening madness that had consumed me many years ago.

I do hope to hear from you soon, as I will be here.


Reader-Letter number 1

Date January 6th 2017

Dear John,

In your arrest file, the cops recorded a confession. It stated all the action you planed to perform on your wife’s murder. I’ve listen, I’ve heard. In my second to last act I have completed your story. I often write to people who are serving life sentence, and help to fulfill what they need to move forward in life. As regret is the real killer during a life sentence. I have choose you as my “wrath” I killed the man that took away your “sun, moon, stars, and universe”. I smashed his skull with my bare hands, clawed his chest and ripped his still beating heart from his chest and felt it die in my hand. This is my confession. You may live free of sin, for I have taken your sins.

I will see you soon, as I will be there too.


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