From A Distant Planet

Greta knew she could never tell anyone about her first love. Not when he was the crown prince, the son of her fathers enemy. Prince Arros of planet Rulia, the gladiator of planets. His family’s air ship had landed right in the middle of a farmer’s crops destroying the majority of his crops for the coming season. They had stepped out with a sizeable force of trained soldiers armed with advanced weapons the locals had never seen before.

“We have come to speak with your king” The military officer in charge had explained and then from there the tension only grew. More ships from the planet Rulia arrived each bringing new soldiers, which made Greta’s father,the king, grow skeptical. Once the Rulian soldiers and the crown Prince had established a small encampement, it was time to meet with the king.

That’s when she him for the first time, he strode into the front gates as if he owned the place, a confident stride up the castle stairs. He caught glimpse of her before entering startling her on the balcony connected to her bedroom. She rushed downstairs, curious to see them arrive so she snuck into her usual spot where she could eavesdrop on her fathers conversation.

She heard the tense discsuin between her father and the prince as they discussed the possibility of alliances and treaties. Her father was stubborn and possessive of his land as he declined firmly with no hesitation. The prince seemed to resign his true thoughts and Greta watched his polite retreat with a sly bow.

He strode out of the room with no sign of defeat. Greta followed him, making sure she could not be seen. He made a detour right outside the castle, heading for the gardens instead of the road back. He was alone which surprised Greta, she thought a crown Prince would be heavily guarded. Especially in the castle where her fathers guards would not hesitate to protect at any cost. Even if it would trigger war. She held back hidding behind a large stone statue watching what his next move would be.

“I know youve been watching me princess.” He said with a smirk. His handsome dark features made Greta catch her breath, her heart racing at being caught. Instead of fear she felt, excited.

“Come out I won’t harm you.” His tone was alluring and it made her feet move to his will. She stepped out into the garden, her pale blue dress flowing around her in the wind. Her pale blond strands of hair whisped around her in the breeze. The moonlight lit her soft features making her look ethereal.

Arros looked at her like she was the only woman he had ever laid eyes on. He took in every detail of her and saved it in his memory.

“You are the Prince of Rulia are you not ?” Greta asked already knowing the answer.

“Yes indeed I am and you are the Princess of Oraj.” He gently lifted her smaller hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it , looking into her eyes all the while.

“A pleasure to meet you. I was here to speak with your father and I must say you are way more charming than he is.” Arros joked releasing Greta’s hand slowly, his fingers lingering a second longer.

“My father is very set in his ways. It is hard for even his royal advisors to sway him on any matter.” Greta explained knowing her father’s personality all too well.

“I am not so easily deterred, rest assured I will return but It may be a little more convincing next time.” His tone grew serious and the princess stilled.

“Don’t worry I will not hurt him that would create many problems for me. I plan to simply show him that he cannot refuse my offer as it’s in the best interest for his people.” Arros tried to choose his words carefully.

Then in the following months there were reports of encampements all over the lands. More of Rulia’s military force coming in large flying ships. Greta’s father grew antsy. He prepared for war, for a fight for the lands, not for peace and partnership.

Greta met with Arros twice a week when her father left the castle for his meetings with the great council, a mix of scholars, stregists, and leaders of the planet Oraj. She met him in the garden as usual and they spent their nights walking the grounds together and discussing their lives. They confided in each other with time and then one night while in the royal greenhouse they shared their first kiss.

That night they made love among the flowers and the plants. They also decided they would fight harder for each other. If they wanted a future where they could be together without restriction they needed their people to reach common ground. They made a vow that night that they would not stop until both their people lived happily together.

The lovers were snuggled together looking up at the stars from the windowed ceiling of the greenhouse. They basked in the post coital glory and shared secrets and kisses under the night sky.

“I will fight for you my love. I will fight for us.” Prince Arros whispered in Greta’s ear and she shivered.

“And maybe one day we can be the king and queen of these lands together.” Greta”s voice carried lots of hope for their future.

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