The Favourite One

Beauty, grace, joy,

A light to everyone’s life,

Selfless, loveable, clever,

Someone who everyone loves.

That’s what they see,

But I, the little sister, does not

A nuisance, a pest,

Always droning on and on

About one thing

About another

Something insignificant.

Last week I came home crying

Asking for guidance on bullying

All she said was “Stop whining!

“I have better things to do than to talk to you!”

And then let me feel the blue

Day after day,

My heart became more grey.

Her mind filled with arrogance

Yelling at me relentlessly

Parents admiring her,

The favourite child,

On a golden podium of love.

I miss the time when I was her,

When I was young and naive,

When I was a slight bore

But one they loved nonetheless

Now all they see is Her,




Getting A’s

And being a success.

They’ve never noticed my joys

Nor my blues

They’ve never noticed my straight successes

Nor my failures

They only see her

The one they cherish

The one they love

The one they wish they were

The one on that golden podium

The one destined to have money

The one destined to have fame

The one destined to have popularity

The favourite child,

Whom I am not.

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