A Simple Discussion Between Species

One of the two saw love as a simple chemical reaction in the brain rather than a feeling or expression. Oddly enough, it was the human that saw it that way. The human being a young woman by the name of Laura. She had been sent in to interview a new species that had contacted earth as of recent. The species itself had not yet revealed its origins, but they seemed to be non-hostile; if not friendly. They seemed to be a race of explorers simply curious to understand other worlds. Of course, this could all be a lie, but they appeared genuine. The extraterrestrial itself went by a name that could not be uttered by a human, so he simply knighted himself the name Nathan; gladly taking a human name. The interview started with Laura entering the room and simply asking some preliminary questions. Some of which Nathan was able to answer, but some of which he stated he was not authorized to give reply. The two ran through more questions varying from questions about technology, planets, and other intelligent they had encountered. Laura finally came upon the topic of Nathan’s opinion on human customs. They spoke about morals and ethics, as well as philosophy and media throughout the centuries. Nathan did seem to have a preference for music from the 1980s, believing that it was the best music era due to the amount of experimentation and new technology being implemented into music. At last they switched to the topic of love. Nathan seemed very eager to express that love should be expressed by art and intimate acts. Laura expressed that this was not done by many on earth unless they are crazy or rich… Or both. Nathan was confused as to why this is, but simply assumed that these acts were uncommon due to tradition. Laura explained that love was simply a chemical reaction in the brain, but Nathan wouldn’t have it. He explained that love was a sense. He spoke about how it was vital for the continuation of society, which Laura could not refute. Ah that problematic feeling. Laura explained how love also seemed to cause many problems among the humans. Nathan seemed to get upset at this and insisted that they were “not doing love right”. He explained that with his species, they were able to judge who had more love and less love, which allowed them to see who would be a good partner. At this moment, a loom of understanding passed over his “face”. Or- we think it was. He then explained that they had a sense of love. A sense to be able to judge a good partner. At which point Laura explained that Humans tended to find a partner through trial and error and sometimes even then, they were not able to find the right person. Nathan expressed confusion and displeasure at this fact. He then brought up the earlier stated fact from Laura, about how love was simply a chemical reaction in the brain; and questioned her on whether this was truly factual. She answered yes of course; stating it was a well k own biological fact. Nathan said that this was quite sad. He then explained that that his species were able to see a sort of romantical aura surrounding a potential partner, which could then mix with their own and see how the two mixed together. He also explained about how sometimes there can be delayed bad reactions. So this led to poor relationships. This happened rarely so most need not worry, but if someone had a specific aura to them, they may need to spend more time to see if they were truly compatible. But most of his kind were able to easily find the correct partner. Laura showed interest in this concept, but at this point, the given time limit had been reached and Laura had to thank Nathan and exit. Nathan was quite happy and eager to answer questions, although he expressed some displeasure at the way human love worked. We were left intrigued on a few of things Nathan had spoken about in is time being interviewed and interviewed a few more of the aliens. The higher-ups disregarded the love discussion, but I believe that there is importance to this discussion which is why I am making this note. That is all.

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