The shattered glass and broken furniture scattered everywhere gave the impression that a tornado had passed through, but it was something much worse.

Write a story explaining what has really happened in this scene.


Moe owed money big money to the mafia over 3,000,000 to be exact.

Now he finally had it after he bet his half of the money he got from the heist on number 17 he won over 10,000,000 at the racetrack.

his luck had finally more threats from the more broken shins,and bruises from the goons.he was safe and more importantly so was his family.

he knew exactly what he would do with the rest.get his son a good college education so he wouldn’t end up like a his daughter and son in law their dream wedding,and all the rest would go to buying his wife expensive gifts and experiences because he knew she sacrificed more then he ever would.

he was so excited he could barely grip the key to his house as he attempted to unlock the door.he couldn’t wait to see their faces beaming with hope.

when he opened the door he thought a tornado came through but it was worse so much worse then a tornado a tornado named the Don.

all his furniture was repoed,China ware chipped and scattered across the floor intermingling with the blood of his family.

his daughter in her white wedding dress now stained with the red of her neck.his son whose eyes once reflected his wife soulfulness and love were lifeless like they were polished with the lacquer of death.

when moe saw his wife his cry of anguish was so loud even God was moved to intervene but alas never did.

moe was going to payback the Don with this money.but now he had a substitute for this conclusion he promised the Don would get packback as sure as his family had wings the Don was gonna get a pair as well

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