Home Is A Verb

My prior belief was that home is a noun.

A physical structure within my hometown.

A place that is haunted by wounded energies,

An environment polluted with sad memories.

Conditions where even a weed couldn’t grow

The feeling of loneliness is intensely harrow

Lack of stability, integrity and connection

An innocent soul that longs for affection.

A broken home fosters rejection.

My next belief was that home may also be a verb

It may not exist out on the curb

A state of thinking, being and creating

A place our souls are patiently waiting.

A physical state that loves and inspires,

The drive that sparks our inner fire.

My final belief is that home is an adjective

A description of something that is not active

The warmth and protection from lifes greatest solace

No fear or rejection and for that, it is flawless.

A form of forgiveness, acceptance and love,

Of which that small child is no longer deprived of.

A belief that home is the centre

A beautiful space to safely surrender

where my heart guides,

And where authenticity resides,

This is how i decide,

what I call home

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