Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Dear diary,
He definetly noticed me today! I wore a bold red lip today. I know, a bit ..out there, but then again, it looks so fucking hot.
He kept staring in math today, I even spoke in class to make the stares more frequent. I couldn’t stop staring into his bright blue eyes, they are as mesmerizing as the ocean and it’s wonders.
March 14th 2023
I haven’t written here in a while but this chick is driving me insane n I wanna get my feelings down on paper.
She stared all the fucking time, as always, but today she wore this bright ass RED LIPSTICK. It was all over her teeth, n smudged at the end of the day. I couldn’t stop staring, it looked horrible. She looked like my grandma. No the lizard from Sing. No the snail from Monsters Inc. Anyways. She kept speaking in maths. Like no one cares, shut ur annoying ass up. I couldn’t stop staring at the stained teeth. Gross.
Dear diary,
I’ve worn the red lipstick all week, since he seems to like it. I even wore a crop top today, his eyes were wandering, if you know what I mean ;))
We are definetly sending each other signals, maybe I’ll ask him to hang out tomorrow.
March 18th 2023
She is the literal definition of "Lipstick on a pig". She keeps wearing the red lipstick, mabye to avert attention to her ugly ass face, but she also wore a CROP TOP today. Like- a crop top is not for everyone yk? Her stomach was hanging a bit over the pants. I was so disgusted. The navel was kinda js staring at me like tf. This is enough, she needs to stop trying so hard. Ts js embarassing fr. I’ll tell her I don’t like her tmrw.