Hour Time is Precious

_My dearest,_


_When your satin lips first graced mine, the world stopped spinning. Everything but us froze. You, my love, are a time witch, and when I kiss you, time slows its tick until it halts. The air between us lingers for longer than any ordinary air... my nose is still intoxicated with the scent of you. I thought I might return your gift. Enclosed in this letter, you’ll find time really did stop when we kissed._

_Love you forever and always,_



_My dearest,_

_It has been a wonderful life together. All that time we had… I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Some days I ask myself how I can even keep on living. Other days I don’t feel like I’m living at all. Seconds, minutes, hours, days… they are meaningless. There is a gaping hole, a limbo, in which time now sits. Just a numb stretch of nothingness to which the sun rises and falls. Yet you were my sun. My sun has gone down. It is forever night. It is only right that time stopped for you one last time. This watch is not a joyous one. The hands are cold. I may never feel the warmth of them again._

_Until we meet again,_


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