Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

Save Me From The Rain

He didn't like the rain, although where he lived, a day described by those noisy streams of falling water was considered pretty much a nice day. And more so, it was on the most important day in Horrorsville, All Horrors Eve. But he wasn’t a typical horror. He didn't like the evil madness of the celebration, denizens being particularly mean to each other this day, and that was, well, the reason why he always had been a loner in this town. In fact, he did have one friend a long time ago, a beautiful teal-skinned merfolk who lived in a local lake; until one day, she passed away after some cruel teenager imps poisoned the lake with benzine in an attempt to light it on fire. And it also happened to be the day of All Horrors Eve, which made the date even more bitter and unappealing to him. He didn't want to get up at all today, but he couldn't sleep either. He went downstairs to make breakfast, some french toasts maybe to lighten up his day, but he soon found out that he had run out of eggs. He sighed, pulled on his trench coat, took an umbrella and went outside. He was strolling down the street miserably when suddenly, a bright teal butterfly appeared in the downpour. He could see it being constantly hit by the raindrops as it tried to find some shelter. Poor little creature! He rushed after the butterfly and, after some struggle, finally caught it under his umbrella. The butterfly hung in the air with what appeared to be bewilderment. "I will see you off where you need to go", said he and smiled. The butterfly whirled merrily and sat down on his hand. After all these years, it was finally starting to get better.
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