Write a poem from the perspective of someone drunk and brave.
Play with the style of the poem to convey their current state.
Drunk Dial.
“I’m going to call him!”
The thought gave me a lob-sided grin.
I was alone drinking lots of yummy wine,
When the lovely little thought arrived.
I put down my drained glass,
Held a stub of chalk in my grasp.
It wasn’t the best summoning circle,
More of an oval with a wax candle hurdle.
I drank as I drew,
Empty bottles started to queue,
The pattern on the floor grew,
At some point I lost a shoe.
Then the words that I had to repeat,
Warmth seeped through my feet.
I had only last thought as the being rose,
Now it’s open - how do I close?
But my demon ex had materialised,
When they saw me their eyebrows did rise.
“Sam? Why are you calling me?”
The being said with his eyes three.
I felt my burst of courage fuelled by drink,
Launched into a tirade before I could think.
“You tall ~hic~ son of a biscuit!
You … owe me my concert tickets!”
“Our relationship meant jack!
Oh, and I want my soul back.”
My demon ex dipped his head in shame,
Concert tickets suddenly mine to claim.
Then my soul appeared in a shimmer.
“It didn’t mean ‘jack’ to me.”
It settled in my chest and I felt a winner.
Then my demon ex vanished - so did my glee.
We were wrong for each other that was true…
I never did find my shoe.