The Land That Binds Us

This is about a community who comes to abide with one another due to their environment

I lay in the chartreuse grass on the summer afternoon, admiring the view and sound of nature. The sun over my head, the tall grass with countless amounts of spiky, painful stickers. The green trees that hold the life of birds and insects, and the rivers the flow rapidly, carrying away the fish and trash. I look around at the people of my community. The blithe kids with their indulgent parents, teens playing sports with friends, and the young adults trying to convince their kids to put on some sort of sun screen or bug spray. Everywhere you look there are families bonding with each other, joining with other families and making new friends. Cookouts, picnics, campfires and more. Sometimes it’s abstruse for me to comprehend just how amazing of an environment and community this is. The new people go to ask the veterans of this town and they prattle about just every little thing about the place they love. This placid home of ours is what brings us all together, and as I observe around me the people and nature, I can tell that this is the perfect place to live. I watch the people abide with one another and when the firework show starts, everyone finds a spot, with strangers and family, and watches in amazement as bright lights go off in the sky, making loud booms and creating ecstatic smiles on all faces. This is our land, and this… this place is our home.

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