Write a villanelle about something that has been abandoned.
The villanelle is a type of poem characterised by its repeating lines and ABA rhyme scheme which create a lyrical effect. There are a number of other rules for a full villanelle if you wish to incorporate them.
An Old Clock
Tick, Tock, the hands slide
In an empty old house where nobody came
Maybe it’s width was too wide
Or something else that put it to shame
There must be a reason, to itself it lied
Nobody would come, not if they were paid
Tick, Tock, the hands slide
In an empty old house where nobody came
Or maybe it was just tied
to something that it could claim
Or maybe people were just shy
After all, that could be the blame
Would anyone even care if it cried
Tick, Tock, the hands slide
In an empty old house where nobody came