Finally, Freedom

There she stood, the edge of the forest looming over her. ‘I have to run.’ she thought, ‘I have to leave this place.’

She had been there, at the edge of that dreadful forest, only once, and that was a long time ago.

“Why can’t I keep running??” She yelled at herself, her voice echoing throughout the still woodland. This forest was always dead silent. There were no creatures, the wind couldn’t travel far into it because of how dense it was, and no one ever went out of the training grounds, meaning it was completely empty. Until… CRACK! “Who’s there?!” Hinoshik asked, yelling out into the forest.

“Sh sh shhh it’s just me.” Whispered a young boy as he came out from the thick woods.

“Tsukonia finally,” Hinoshik said, relief in her voice. “You gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here?? Do you know what would happen if you were caught?!”

“And what about you?! We planned to leave together! We’re you just gonna leave me here?”

“I didn’t want to you know that!”

“Then why did you?”

“Because it was my fault!” The forest was then again silenced. “Because,” her voice trembled, “it was my fault.”

“No, no it wasn’t it was-“

“It was me Tsukonia, I-“

“No, no, no, that’s not the reason that…that…”

“Yes it is. And listen to me, you might not want to believe me but you staying here is the best option. Your life is good-“

“It won’t be if you leave! I know your suffering, and I see why you wants to leave, but at least take me too!”

“You don’t understand-“

“Oh I understand fully. Do you know what…what brother would have said if he’d seen what you were going to do??!!”

“BUT HES GONE.” Hinoshik yelled, tears dreaming down her face. “He’s not here to help us anymore. I have to go-“

“I’m coming too.” He argued.

“No your not. If the elders found out about you coming they would not stop to find you. They don’t care about me! I’m just one of the many failures in those training grounds. If I went missing they wouldn’t even notice, nor care.” She wiped the tears from her eyes she didn’t even know we’re there til this point. “But they care about you. You have a future here-“

“But what if I don’t want a future here??”

That’s what broke her.

“Fine. But if you regret it don’t blame me.”

She stepped toward the forest line once more, but before walking over it, she took out something from her pocket. A small white flower, that emitted a pinkish gray glow. Even though the design of it was simple, it was no doubt one of the most beautiful flowers in this world. She layer it on the ground, setting it down at the very spot that bound her to the forest. A deep humming sound was heard, and the light from the flower grew, until there was a bright door like shape.

“Before we really do this,” she said to her younger brother, “get ready for an insane experience.”

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