Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

The Way The Blue Birds Sing

I stared out into the open, suitcase in my hand. Inside the house I now stood in front of was the person I’ve loved the most. I had to leave, I needed to leave. I kept reassuring my self but nothing stopped me from feeling the amount of guilt. I sighed and opened the door. It was later now, tears streaming down my face, I had to do it, I had to. Nothing good came for me here. I was waiting for the train, time seemed so slow. The train I was to board came, I picked up my belongings. I heard a yell. “Wait!” I looked behind me and saw her. The one I’ve loved the most. “Please don’t leave yet!” I stared at her, she ran up and kissed me. “Without saying the right goodbye” She hugged me. I looked at her and gave her one last kiss before I left. “Of course my love ”. The train moves slow, I sat in the window seat feeling guilt. I was not happy there, I had to leave, but I let out a sigh of disbelief and started to cry at the way the blue birds sing.
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