Tilak Baloni @ Unsplash

Write the story leading up to, or leading on from, this scene.

Shoulda Run Him Over

I should have just run right over him when I saw him on the bridge. I almost did. If the fog had been any thicker, I would not have seen him and I would have run him right over. Or if it had been clear, I would have been going too fast and run him right over. But as it was, I was going slow because of the fog and saw him. Just in time to stop. If only…

But you cannot change the past. And I would have felt really bad if I had run over him. After all, he looked like a kid. And nobody wants to run over a kid. But since I did not run over him, I had to let him into my vehicle. And that was when I realized. I should have run him over.

Actually, I am sure I could not have run him over on purpose. It is just not part of my nature. But the way he is talking. I just want to reach over and push him out the door. While traveling 100 miles per hour. As if. This old beater cannot go that fast. And even it could… Yeah. I could not do it. Probably not anyway.

I wonder if he can really do it though. Can he really take over the world? Is that device he just pulled out of his pocket really a doomsday device? A disintegration ray?

Yep. It works. He just pointed it out the window and disintegrated those poles!

Ha ha ha. That might not have been the funniest thing I have ever seen, but it is the last thing I will ever see. He disintegrated the integral parts of the bridge. And the chasm is deep enough to get this last thought…

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