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I Am Enough
I actually got this tattoo on a solo retreat. A retreat in Bali. This is where I went when trying to find my happiness, to live my life, to learn new things, and to travel to another country on my own. My tattoo represents all of this and more. It shows that I learned to stand on a board in the middle of the ocean and actually was a natural at what they call surfing.I’d like to say, if you’re feeling like you should try something new, big or small, just try it once. You’ll either love it or hate it and that is the beauty of it. It also represents that I Am Enough for myself. I am worthy, I can be me anywhere I’m at, and not to criticize myself so much. I have had so many failures in life, it’s easy to criticize. You know what’s harder, but worth it? Tellingyourself that you are enough everyday, that your life is worth living, and you are enough for those that matter in your life.