'I recognised his eyes as soon as he walked through the door. I froze. I couldn't do this right now.'
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Festival: Day Two
When morning came, my father and mother came to find me with my sisters. I instantly hugged them all and cried. I cried so hard, but we just held each other.
My father gave us a report. The vampires were waking up again. The House of Vampire had nothing to do with the attack. We would continue the festivities like nothing happened. He demanded it.
I boarded myself up in my room all day. I didn’t want to see anyone. I was scared now. I was terrified. We had been attacked. I could have died.
Damian was the reason I hadn’t.
I wondered what happened to him, but I would probably see him tonight. I wasn’t ready for that. I don’t think I could do that. I would break down crying just thinking about last night. We had to seem like we were in control, though. I had to avoid him.
I still didn’t trust him. He had something to do with this. My father was naive, but I wasn’t. I knew that I had to be strong. So I just had to ignore him.
There was a knock on my door. “Come in.” I said.
My maid poked her head in. “Your father wants you to get dressed for tonight. Tonight is for couples.” She said.
I nodded. Right. Tonight was when my parents tried to find me a husband and I rejected all of them. Great. “Alright.” I said.
I dressed in the shortest dress I could find. Mother said showing off my legs made me more desirable. My dress was a black dress that went to my mid thigh and showed off my cleavage. It was flowy and pretty. I braided my hair and put on a little bit of blush. I didn’t want to try though. I wanted to hide away.
I knew I couldn’t though. The show must go on.
I made my way down the stairs. My sisters didn’t have to go. They were too young for couples night. I was the only one who had to go. It was disgusting.
Soon, I was at the festival area and I wanted to cry again. Alll I could think about was last night. Damian had me pinned against a wall and I had lost control over the situation fast. I was weak.
I slowly made my way around the tents. I felt miserable. I scanned the room and my eyes locked with someone’s.
I recognized his onyx eyes as soon as he walked through the tent flap. I froze. I couldn’t do this right now.
I immediately started walking the other way. I didn’t know I was running until I was all the way into the streets. I was breathing rapidly and my heart was pounding. I just couldn’t do this. It was all too much after yesterday.
I tried to hold in my nerves. I tried to ignore the way my heart was pounding. I tried to hold back the flashes of those vampires last night.
“Princess, are you alright?” A voice asked.
I looked up to see Dane standing there. He looked handsome in a white suit and with his golden hair groomed back. His eyes looked bored, but he sounded genuinely curious.
“Yes, I’m just nervous.” I replied.
He smirked. “Maybe I can help you with that.” He said and started walking towards me. There was a dark look that entered his eyes. “You have no idea how sexy you look in that dress.”
I gasped as he pushed me up against a wall. My breath hitched in my throat as his hand pressed against my thigh. “Dane, I, um, don’t think this is a good idea.” I said.
He laughed and whispered in my ear, “Princess, stop talking.” Then his lips were against my neck. They were hot against my hot skin and felt…wrong. His hands were rough against my sides. His hand was inching towards my chest. My heart was pounding.
What do I do? What could I do? “Dane, stop.” I said and pressed my hand against his chest.
Dane groaned. “Stop being such a buzz kill. Just enjoy it.” He went back to kissing my neck. It was rough and disgusting.
“Stop!” I cried.
“I know you want it, Vesper.” He whispered in my ear.
“No, I don’t. Stop it!” I pushed him off me.
He grabbed my hands. “You listen here, you-“
“Can everyone report to the main tent for some speed dancing? Please and thank you.” My father’s voice came through the streets.
My heart was still pounding. “See you soon, Princess.” Dane whispered and placed one last kiss on my neck before biting down on it.
I gasped and then he was gone.
I slumped down on the wall. I felt the tears come back. I felt the fear return. This time, it all spilled over me. I came out.
I started sobbing. I let all of my pent up emotions come out. I cried until there was nothing left to cry about. I slammed my head into the back wall. This all felt too real. I wanted to leave.
Once I calmed down enough and didn’t look like a hot mess, I made my way to the main tent. I found a dark corner to sit in. I just wanted to disappear. I wanted to hide until this was all over. That’s what I wanted to happen. That didn’t happen.
“Hello, sunshine.” Damian said as he approached me.
“What are you doing all by yourself in this corner?” He asked me.
“Hiding from people like you.” I snapped.
“Now that’s rude.” He reached his hand out and I immediately flinched away. He pulled his hand back and straightened out.
“I was just going to ask you for a dance. Do you still think I had something to do with last night?” His voice held a bit of hurt, but I didn’t need this.
I couldn’t think about last night. Not right now. I wanted to go home. I wanted to curl up and cry.
“I’m leaving.” I Stated.
His face crumpled. “So yes.”
I glared at him and started to walk off. I couldn’t handle this.
“I don’t know what I can do to change your mind, but I didn’t do anything!” He called after me.
I ran back to my room. Once I reached it, I slammed my door shut. I slumped against it and started crying.