The Wrong One

Jennifer, 17 years old, goes to Redondo High school and everything’s normal. She goes to the beach one Saturday with her friends. Her friends had all left to grab some ice cream. The people around her get a notification, but she doesn’t notice it until people start looking at their phones and then look over at her scared and moving away from her. She doesn’t know why. She looks at her phone and, right before she can, a bag is placed over her head. She tries her hardest to break free, but there’s nothing she can do. “Fuck, there are fumes in the bag…” as she slowly passes out from the smell. Only to wake up in a dark room tied to a chair. She could barely see a figure in the corner of the room. She can see how they’re staring at her with a crooked grin on their faces. The door opens as a guy walks in. “Ah, the princess has woken up”, he says in a deep amused voice. Jennifer starts feeling rage, as she tries to break free of her ropes. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” the guy responds to her struggles. Soon she feels something pressing against her head, and she realizes there are men behind her, and they’re holding guns. She stops moving, slightly terrified. The guy snaps his fingers and the guns instantly remove from her head. He turns on the light that’s right above her head. She could see his mischief grinning down at her. He licks his lips, looking down at her, and she realizes she is still in her bikini from the beach. He chuckles when he notices her blushing in embarrassment. “I can get you clothes if you want. But, I think you look better like this.” He says, with a hint of desire. “But let’s keep this professional, shall we?” he sits down across the table from her. “Look at me, princess”, he says, amused. Hesitantly, she looks up at him with a slight rage. “Tell me how you know”, he says, the amusement dissipates from his face to a more serious expression. She looks at him slightly confused. “What do you mean?” She asks. “Don’t you fucking lie to me! Tell me!” He yells, slamming his hands on the table. She started to shiver in fright “I don’t know”. He snaps his fingers again and the guns return to her head. “You have five minutes to tell me what you know about my plan”. She quivers “I don’t know what you mean, I don’t know anything”. He sighs “4 minutes”. Her heart quickens in fright “explain to me. I don’t know what I’m not supposed to know. What do you think I know?”. He chuckles before responding “you know how those people died last night”. Her eyes widen “people died last night?” He looks slightly confused “you really don’t know?” Her voice shivers “I really didn’t know” he sighs, rubbing his forehead, “fuck, you grabbed the wrong person!” Before the servant could answer, the guy pulled out a gun ending the guy's life. She stared at him, shaking with fright. The guy snaps his fingers and the two servants behind her untie the ropes. “I can’t let you go back now that you know what happened, so you’re taking over that guys' place” he sees her fright,“ or you can just leave, but can’t tell anyone and these two guys will follow you. Your choice.” She stands up, the fright still plastered on her face. “ If I leave I can’t tell anyone what I just saw?” He nods“ but if I stay, I can still live a normal life?” He nods again. “ I choose to stay” she says with a determination even she didn’t know she had. He grins and welcomes her into the group.

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