Write a story where the central theme is kindness.

Kill With Kindness

Write a story where the central theme is kindnessβ€” I know what I’m about to put doesn’t necessarily have β€˜kindness’ as it’s theme, but oh well.

I walked was walking past the old thrift store on the dark side of town, I paused and put my hands up against the cold glass of the display window. On a golden framed stand sat a beautiful steel sword that glimmered in the light of the sun. I wanted that sword, I didn’t know why but as soon as I saw it I had a sudden urge to buy it- it called out to me.

I opened the door and the heavy scent of lavender assaulted my nose. I looked around and spotted the sword sitting on the stand so perfectly. I grabbed it and examined it carefully, it was perfect. I dashed over to the counter where a young woman sat reading an old newspaper.

β€œHello,” I said, placing the sword on the counter. Startled, the young lady quickly looked up from her newspaper and at me. β€œOh!” She began, β€œyou scared me! Sorry, I haven’t had any customers today so I just assumed that no one would come in.” I smiled at her. β€œThat’s ok,” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, β€œI would like to purchase this fine sword.” She looked down at the sword that layed on the counter. β€œYes, ok,” she picked up the sword and examined the price tag on the end of it, β€œThat’s $99.99 for this antique beauty. _$99.99_? She was lucky that I liked the sword so much or she would be out of business. I gave her my cash then headed out to the store.

I was a knight, so as all knights do when they get a sword, I named it. _Kindness, _I thought, _it’s name will be kindness. _I_ _chuckled remembering something my mom had once told me, β€œIf anyone ever makes fun of you, you kill themβ€” with kindness.” I knew this isn’t what she meant, but I couldn’t help myself.

Everyday since then, when I went into battles and got into fights with knights from the other kingdoms, I would kill people with Kindness. I killed my enemies with Kindness.

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