Write a 100-word description of your main character's physical appearance.

Consider which features are most important to mention; which might factor into the story, or change the way the reader, and other characters, interact with your protagonist?

The Meaning of Perfection

Everyone stared at Ellabeth with jelousy. Ellabeth was everything anyone could ever want. She was the literal meaning of perfection. She had it all.

She had her long wavy honey coloured hair. Her hair reached down to her butt. It was always down.

Her eyes were these ocean blue eyes. Her lashes were curled with a bit of mascara.

Her nose was defined. Her ears had cute blue butterflies hanging.

Her body was a goddess. She had the most perfect hourglass body shape.

Her nails were long with different fruit painted on each one.

That day, she was wearing a green crop top, and Lululemon leggings.

She was all that, but with the ugliest heart ever.

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