Bad Nurse

Thursday, noon, and this old fool,

Recently passed out, dead.

He was so kind,

Oh why, oh why,

Why am i cleaning his bed.

Of course who could be so cruel,

to put a budding angel out of her depth.

I couldn’t have saved him if i tried

Don’t waste my time!

There are other people in need.

I was always tucked up in a nook,

My head famously in a book,

5 grades above my own,

Tell me what else do I owe!

Rubber gloves in hand-

Do i even need to use that?

Tell me why have i

Not got better ways to spend my life

God forbid i, i, i, i~

What is that.

From the recently departed,

My friend Julie.

I left everything you needed.

Parkwell glories.

Meet Tim at 8:40,

You will see.

Take the cat out,

Let him be free.

Oh, oh i see.

Poor corker, never meant to be.

Sad, Julie.

Lets say your me.

Just for 8:40,

I will see.

I wont take the cat out.

Left him be.

That money is mine,

What else would she need?

Rubber gloves in hand-

Do i even need to use that?

Tell me why have i

Not got better ways to spend my life

God forbid i, i, i, i~

Would live a sad ol’ death!

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