You get a text message from an unknown number, accusing you of standing them up. Curious, you respond.
Be creative with this prompt, and think about how you can drive a narrative around this medium of communication.
How To Get A Data Without Trying
I was sitting at home wrapped in my pizza fleece blanket. ( A present from my youngest neice. It could've been worse. Unicorns maybe!) I was trying to sort out the accounts for the drama club I was part of.
Suddenly my phone beeped. It was a text.
<Thursday 19:00>
Dave. Where the hell were you? It’s Lizzy We were supposed to be meeting up tonight. Pizza remember. I don't appreciate being stood up.
I looked at this and stared.
Who the hell is this? I don't recognise your number?
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<Thursday. 19:07>
Dave. Don’t give me that. I know this is you. You gave me your number after our first date. This is it.
I was totally confused.
When did this date take place?
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<Thursday. 19:15>
Wtf? You can’t even remember Monday night. We had a lovely meal. You paid for it.
I thought for a moment.
That couldn’t have been me. I was getting over food poisoning.
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A few moments later a response came back.
<Thursday 19:35>
Well if it wasn’t you DAVE, who the hell did I go
out with?
This got me thinking.
I’m about to ask you something very strange. What do I look like? Please think very carefully
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Nothing happened. Maybe I’d put her off. Then
I saw the three floating dots accompanied buy the strange noise as she was replying.
I had a strange feeling I knew exactly what was happening. If I was right someone would be getting thrown head first in to a freezing cold bath.
“You better know how to grovel. You little sod!”
<Thursday 19.55>
You’re six, foot four. Blonde hair. You have bright blue eyes and a scar on your left cheek. You wore jeans ripped at the knees, not my thing really but what the hey. You had a gremlins t-shirt on under a black leather jacket.
Then it hit me. My brother had been trying to set me up with blind dates ever since I dumped my ex for cheating. He said he was meeting someone and that she was really nice. He also said I’d like her.
This was where I was so glad weren’t face to face. My cheeks felt like furnaces.
OMG. I know exactly what’s happened Lizzie. My brother’s being trying to help me hook up. Things haven’t gone too well with my relationships soo….
I breathed in hard as I continued …..
he’s become my unofficial matchmaker!
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<Thursday 20:15>
So you’re telling me I went out with your brother so he could set me up with you?
That’s the long and the short of it. Look if you’d call me I can explain all this..
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Everything went quiet. Then the phone rang. It was Lizzy. We chatted for and hour. To cut a long story short, we’re meeting up for a meal on Sunday.
As for my brother … he’s still getting a freezing cold bath. But I promise I’ll thank him afterwards.