You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

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The Artefact

The hooded figure was visibly shocked as he peered into the tattered leather bag before him. “I picked it up outside Golgorn a few days back” I replied “That still doesn’t answer my question mate” the figure retorted. I was not here to play games and it was clear to me that my time was being wasted. “Thought you were the expert around these parts...mate” “You really don’t know what this is do you?” I stood straight up from my seat with a loud scraping sound, the pub fell silent for a moment. “What you all looking at! As you were ya filthy mudders” “If I knew what it was I wouldn’t be here now would I” The man in the hood took one more look inside the bag before sliding it back across the table to me. “You best be off then I don’t want nothin’ to do with this, you say you got it from Golgorn well mate you best leave it back where you found it” “Why?” Annoyed as I was, this comment left me intrigued so I pulled my chair back and sat down again. “This here is an artefact but the kind that ought to be left undisturbed” The man slowly pulled his hood back to reveal a harrowing visage. A walking skeleton. “I should know all about these kinds of things” He croaked before cloaking himself I grabbed the bag as quick as I could and made for my horse. The night was young and we had a journey ahead of us. As we made off from the pub we headed straight into the forest guided by the moon which illuminated the path ahead.
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